Navajeevan Bala Bhavan is a unique and special place for children to learn, grow, and develop. Located in the heart of the city, Navajeevan Bala Bhavan is a safe and secure environment for children to explore and discover their potential.At Navajeevan Bala Bhavan, we believe in providing a holistic learning experience for children. We offer a wide range of activities and programs that are designed to help children develop their physical, mental, and emotional skills. Our programs are tailored to meet the individual needs of each child, and our experienced staff is dedicated to helping children reach their full potential.

Street Presence

Round The Clock Shelter

Night Shelter

Counselling And Home Integration

Prerana And Velugu

Peer Counsellors

Infirmary – Healthcare

Yuva Bhavan



Chiguru - Children’s Village

Formal Education

Mogga & Ankitha

Alternative Care

Bala Vikasa Kendram (bvk)

Day Bridge Centre (DBC)

Open Schooling


Livelihood Advancement Skills Training

Neethodu –(i Am With You)

Marriage Bureau

Life Skills And Sexual Health Education (LS&SH-E)


Child Safety Net (CSN)

Juvenile Justice Desk (andhra & Telangana States)

Sponsorship And Volunteers Desk

Resource Mobilzation


Homelink Network (child-miss) Hub & Node

Deepa Nivas
Navajeevan Bala Bhavan
let's work together to make a difference
The services towards rehabilitation of street children in Vijayawada were initiated by the Salesians of Don Bosco when the Corporation of Vijayawada along with UNICEF approached Fr Johnson Moyalan, the then Director of Don Bosco, Pezzonipet, to begin a collaborative venture, in the beginning of 1988. The then Mayor of Vijayawada, Shri (Dr) Jandhyala Shankar extended all support including a piece of land, measuring about an acre at Poornandapet on the Eluru Canal Bund, close to the Railway Station, Vijayawada, and some financial help. Fr Johnson immediately accepted the work, and requested Fr Joseph Thekkedath, the then Provincial of Bangalore, to send a suitable person to begin the work.
Dear Donor:
Bank Details
A/C Name: | Navajeevan Bala Bhavan Society |
Bank Name: | Federal Bank Limited |
A/C No: | 11520100135312 |
IFSC No: | FDRL0001152 |
Branch: | Museum Road, Governorpet, Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh, India. |

Our Vision
“A child friendly society where all children enjoy their RIGHTS”
Our Missin
“To ensure rights of ‘Young at Risk’ through micro and macro level efforts of Rescue, Rehabilitation, Community based action, Capacity building, Advocacy and Lobbying”.
Creating A Brighter Tomarrow

Midday Meals

COVID-19 Relief Meals

Family Happiness Kits

Happiness Kits

Midday Meals

COVID-19 Relief Meals

Family Happiness Kits

Happiness Kits
Development Goals

Fr .N. Ratna Kumar
Fr .N. Ratna Kumar
Success stories

Arun’s family broke up when he was hardly 4 years old. He lived with his father, SR Koundinya in Hyderabad. Koundinya was a very brilliant and well-read man and worked as a freelance journalist. Arun had an elder sister, Sarah. They both attended the local school. His father died of a massive heart-attack. Since then Arun was being educated by Navajeevan, Vijayawada. He obtained B.Sc Degree in Mathematics, Electronics and Computers. By then, Arun had a desire to get into some good government service, especially Air Force. So, he used to keep looking for ads in the newspapers inviting applications for government services. One day, he saw an advertisement from “Indian Air Force” for Ground Duty Officers Course (GDOC). He applied for it, cleared the written test and the various interviews. He passed all the tests and got selected on merit for GDOC. Just then, his Degree results were also declared in June 2010. To his hard work, he secured 62% marks. Immediately, he joined the Course at the Air Force Academy, Hyderabad. On 18th June 2011, he completed the training and became a Commissioned Officer. Believe it or not, Arun is now all set to conquer even the greater heights.

Latest Updates
Extraordinary Visitation of Fr. Michael Biju
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Flood Relief Activities by Navajeevan Bala Bhavan – September 2024
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78th Independence Day Celebrations at Open Shelter 15.08.2024
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Selfie Contest – a part of Week Long Campaign on the occasion of International day against Drug Abuse
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Weeklong campaign on occasion of International Anti-Drug Abuse Day (24th -30th June 2024)
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