Success Stories

I was a son of the sea, a relative of the waves and a victim of floods. The strength of the wave cannot be estimated until it devours one’s life by splashing away the cherished dreams creating ripples of problems. Financial crisis was one such wave that hit my family after my father left the steering wheel. My mother started to sail but soon I realized that I was over burdening the boat, My family. I decided to jump off the boat and run away to a place without knowing the destiny.
I reached Vijayawada by train and started to pick the old rags, papers, empty bottles and looked for something precious in the thrash. The heaps of plastics, piles of torn papers and the stinking garbage mountains were of more value to me as they filled my stomach. I was too young to earn money, had too little strength to go under the scorching sun. I became pale and feeble, turned lean and unrecognizable. I had to undergo this type of life I never imagined.
The time of grace just dawned on me as the Navajeevan team spotted me carrying a heap of waste materials on my back. I never expected that there will be a day in my life.
where I would be under a concrete roof with free daily food with bonus emotional support. I got free love, free care and free time to dance. watch television, and learn to do craft and art work.
Soon I realized that I was too lucky to be in this Navajeevan family as they gifted me education. I was admitted in Chiguru for bridge school and later on in to regular schooling. I never failed the trust placed by NJBB as I made use of whatever support needed to soar to new heights in my education. I got a job in Indian Bank after qualifying in the tough Bank Examinations. Now, Iam working as a Bank Manager earning a considerable amount which I never knew, I would. I am happily married and brought my mother and sister onboard to sail smoothly with no fear of the waves.
I visit often this holy place ‘Navajeevan’ regularly to spend time with the children and recall the memories that stay fresh and close to my heart. The enormous privileges I enjoy today are all because of the tiny seed of faith they put in me. Indeed, Iam in debted to Navajeevan Bala Bhavan. Vijayawada.

Suffering is not a small word for me, But it is a feeling loaded with pain, tears, sleepless nights, and moments of loneliness and moreover, deep longing for belonging to someone or some family. I became an orphan at a very young age after my both parents’ death. I felt iam left alone with my sister in the world in spite of many relations. No one had a heart even to lend a little finger to help us cling on to it at least momentarily in that very painful and agonizing moment. Our tiny hearts were deeply wounded as we heard the whispers of relatives discussing to get rid of us.
Me and my sister were taken against our wish to the CWC Krishna District and got us surrendered to the care of the Government, who further sent us for rehabilitation in Navajeevan Bala Bhavan, Vijayawada. The welcoming smiles of care mothers attracted me so much and my return smile. I never thought, would remain throughout my stay at NJBB. But thanks to the lovely fathers and staff who helped me to be cheerful all the time. After my regular schooling, I chose to pursue B.Tech in Civil Engineering in a prestigious college and I remained always a topper in studies. The accolades, presents and the claps I received in my studies prove what NJBB stands for in their service to the most vulnerable children like me. The career counseling offered by the experts team of NJBB helped me to complete expensive coaching needed for securing good job.
I secured a job recently in Amazon as a trainee in virtual customer service with a package of more than two lakhs per annum. I am proud to say that my rebirth happened at NJBB where every staff wanted to see me happy and smiling. I owe a lot to Navajeevan for accepting me to be part of this large and loving family. Truly, this is my real home!

Arun Koundinya
On his 24th birthday, Arun Koundinya is a commissioned Officer in the Indian Air Force. He was commissioned in June 2011. Looking at this brilliant, active and fun-loving young man, one would think he is a product of one of those high profile public schools. Far from it, the fact is that his childhood and adolescent years were nothing more than pain, anxiety, uncertainty and struggle.
Arun’s family broke up when he was hardly 4 years old. He lived with his father, SR Koundinya in Hyderabad. Koundinya was a very brilliant and well-read man and worked as a freelance journalist. Arun had an elder sister, Sarah. They both attended the local school. His father died of a massive heart-attack. Since then Arun was being educated by Navajeevan, Vijayawada. He obtained B.Sc Degree in Mathematics, Electronics and Computers. By then, Arun had a desire to get into some good government service, especially Air Force. So, he used to keep looking for ads in the newspapers inviting applications for government services. One day, he saw an advertisement from “Indian Air Force” for Ground Duty Officers Course (GDOC). He applied for it, cleared the written test and the various interviews. He passed all the tests and got selected on merit for GDOC. Just then, his Degree results were also declared in June 2010. To his hard work, he secured 62% marks. Immediately, he joined the Course at the Air Force Academy, Hyderabad. On 18th June 2011, he completed the training and became a Commissioned Officer. Believe it or not, Arun is now all set to conquer even the greater heights.

Chantamma worked as a labourer till the age of nine. Today, at the age of eighteen, she is doing Engineering in the prestigious Indian Institute of Information Technology (IIIT), Nuzivid, and Andhra Pradesh. On asking how she achieved this feat, she only blushes! “It.s all due to Don Bosco Navajeevan, Vijayawada and Fr. Thomas Koshy” She was born in a small village of Chigudipadu in Krishna District of Andhra Pradesh. Her father Kantha Rao and mother Lakshmi Kandamma were both agricultural labourers. They belonged to the Madiga community (traditionally engaged in shoe making). Chantamma was the youngest of the three daughters of her parents. They lived in a small house allotted to them by the government under the housing scheme. They had no land of their own. Since her father often suffered from ulcers and her mother got frequent attacks of migraine headache, they could not go for work regularly.
As a result, Chantamma had no time to go to school. During the anti-child labour campaign in 2002 at Chigudipadu Village, She came in contact with Ms. Syamala, a social worker and ex-staff of Navajeevan. Ms. Syamala convinced her parents to educate the girl at Chiguru, Navajeevan. At Navajeevan, Chantamma was admitted to the residential Bridge Course for girl children called Sethu. She had to begin with the alphabets. Navajeevan kept providing all the necessary support towards her education. She was a very quick learner and a rank holder every year. Finally, in 2011, in Class X, she gave a stunning performance, scoring 547 marks out of 600. On the basis of Government Scheme for meritorious rural students of SSC, she grabbed the opportunity to make her entry into prestigious Indian Institute of Information Technology, Nuzvid, Krishna District, on scholarship.

Bantumilli Durga
I am Bantumilli Durga, 15 years old. My both parents died when I was very young. I am from S.Kota, Vizianagaram distrist. My mother died when I was five day old baby. And my father died when I was 15 years old. I have an elder sister, who was also supported by Navajeevan Bala Bhavan. I was rescued by BVK (Bala Vikasa Kendra) field staff of Navajeevan while wandering in Auto Nagar Industrial Area, Vijayawada. Subsequently, I was shifted to Sethu (Girls’ home in Penamaluru) for bridge course.
Thereafter, I was mainstreamed into the regular school. I was very happy to go to school. I never expected that I can go to school like others. It was a blessing in disguise for me. Later on, I was motivated by my teachers to work hard and do well. I was equally supported by Fr. Koshy and the follow up staff. As a result, I got first marks in the school with 90%. I was the happiest person in the world. Then, I joined in the best college to pursue my Intermediate.
I am proud to say that I secured college first in the intermediate exams. I want to become a doctor and serve poor people who are in need of support. Now I am preparing to appear for EAMCET and become a doctor. Thank you Navajeevan for helping me stand on my own and being with me to start my life from the scratch.

Gangula Jaya Chandra
My name is Gangula Jaya Chandra. My father died with HIV/AIDS. My mother is also infected with HIV and she is a domestic worker. I am the native of Darsi Village, Prakasam district. I have a younger brother, who completed 10th class in Navajeevan Bala Bhavan. My family is economically poor and deprived of support. I have a dream to become an Engineer right from my childhood. Therefore, I have been always securing the highest marks in very level of my studies against all odds in my family and my personal life. I am now preparing to write EAMCET and join in Engineering. I am able to achieve my dream because of Navajeevan, which I treasure it as a gift for me. It has given me new life and I will remain thankful to all those who have been supporting me to realize my dream.