Bosco De-addiction Centre
Formerly called Vimukthi (“being liberated”), in a serene atmosphere of a 25-acre mango orchard, Vimukthi, a Re-Orientation Camp, was initiated in 2005 for rescued street-based children addicted to substance abuse. However, in recent years, the number of street-based children rescued has substantially decreased, resulting in a lower referral rate to the Re-Orientation Camp by the Child Welfare Committee (CWC).
Notably, the cases of substance and social media use disorders among school children have increased. Additionally, related crimes, such as drug peddlers exploiting small children to sell drugs, have become more prevalent. Responding to these emerging societal challenges, the district administration has approached Navajeevan to reactivate the Vimukthi Camp.

Observing the evolving signs in our society, Navajeevan Bala Bhavan has taken a proactive step to contribute to building a better future society. All the necessary groundwork and government approvals have been completed, and the reactivated facility is now known as Bosco De-Addiction Centre. This renaming reflects the center’s broader focus on addressing various addiction issues, including substances and technology, and emphasizes its commitment to holistic rehabilitation. The transformation from Vimukthi to Bosco De-Addiction Centre signifies Navajeevan’s dedication to adapting and responding to the changing needs of the community and its ongoing efforts to foster positive social change.

Bosco De-addiction Centre
Navajeevan promises a bright future to those children who have become addicted to drugs and other substances. Bosco De-Addiction Centre located at Posanapalli village, near Nuzivid, 45 kms away from Vijayawada, which was temporarily registered under the provisions of A.P. Allopathic Private Medical Care Establishments (Registration and Regulation) Act 2002 to provide medical and counseling services. Its team reaches out to local and nearby schools, Colleges, and Government Sectors conducting awareness sessions, Educating children, parents, and educators about the dangers of drug addiction, its causes, and how to recognize the warning signs that can help in early intervention and prevention. The clients if any, who were identified through these sessions, will be referred to this Bosco De-Addiction Centre for Clinical Therapy. Here the client will be counseled by the professional counselor and psychoanalysis will be performed by the Doctor. Later on, the client will be prescribed medicines as per his current analyzed situation.
Aim: Give new life to the persons, who are addicted to substances.
- Group Therapy
- Psychiatric Medication
- Giving Care and Concern
- Providing Nutritious Food
- Skill Training